Monday 16 March 2009


NESTA launched THE LAB to encourage projects around public service innovation.
"The Lab provides the freedom, flexible capital and expertise to undertake radical experiments. It tests out new ways of finding and spreading the best ideas - this might be by running a challenge prize, building a social ventures incubator, or creating powerful new teams of users, front-line staff and decision-makers."

THE LAB has three main part:
  • challenge lab: explores how innovation can help services respond to critical social and economic issues, starting with ageing, climate change and health;
  • methods lab:puts radical thinking into action and is where we test and assess the best ways of fostering public service innovation;
  • and learning lab: helps you to apply and spread what we learn.
Seems to a place for funding and possibly will prodcut interesting projects in the future... worth keeping an eye on it :)